
Update & a series of the Potala palace

So no updates for a long time now, because of very poor internet connections here in Nepal and the fact that I've been sick for over three of the past four weeks. First I got some kind of foodpoisoning just the evening before going to Pokhara. Recovered in about a week. Then I actually felt quite good for about a week. Then two days after coming back to Kathmandu to see Ile fly back to Finland I got somekind of bacterial infection, which after about a week of fever made me decide to go to a hospital. After making me sign relief of legal responsibility they started treating me with antibiotics. Was in the hospital for four days. Well the antibiotics killed the evil bacteria, but was a bit too much for my liver, so my eyes turned yellow. Was about a week after the hospital I started to be able to eat again. So I had vitamins, drank glucos and struggled every evening with a pack of noodles.
Now I've felt helthy for two days. HOORAY!
Booked a flight to Bangkok for the third of January.
I'll try to make a flashier entry from there. Here's my next series of pictures:

What Lhasa was basicly about for me: the Potala palace. So here´s a series of the palace I'd wondered so much about from when I was a kid.. The pics of the palace just might tell you more about Lhasa, Tibet and it's present status as a part of China than my winding letters:

they were renovating the palace whitewashing it(probably for the olympics) in a not so delicate manner:

here you can see them in action:

Lhasa was´nt really that astonishing in itself. Lots of beggars around and greedy chinese businessmen. Simplest of the frazes we´re probably the "Hello, money money!"´s. But finding Oh Dan Hotel after out first nights sleep turned out great. We met this dutch chick Josefina again and got a good deal(30Y) for a bed in nice doubles. On top of it all we spent great times on top of the roof of the hotel admiring the view, sunbathing and streching during the day and sometimes drinking a bit of rice wine in good company in the evenings. Also these two Canadian guys Bryce and Colin we met in Xi'an followed our footsteps and moved to our hotel. All of the others were headed towards India, so thats how plans started to change. Ile was going to fly home, so he liked the idea of going west. A group was formed. I managed to haggle down the price of a six day drive through to the Nepalese border for 5000Y for the whole truck driver and permits included. What a Blast that proved to be! More of that in my next entry though..
Take Care y´all!
-and please comment if you read it!


Anonymous said...

Vau, mikä palatsi. Telat ja sudithan olis vain vaivaksi, mutta tuolla tavalla maalaten maa on kyllä valkoisena tasangolle asti.
Onnea (ja terveyttä!) seuraavalle vuodelle!

liisa said...

Ihmettelinkin jo miksei pojasta oo hetkeen kuulunut mitään, mutta tuo kilometrin mittainen sairaskertomus selittää kaiken.. Toivottavasti paranet oikein pian. :)