
Mongolia Post Scriptum

There is something similar to finns in the mongolian spirit. Something melancholic I guess. Maybe it has something to do with the harsh natural conditions.. Winter was certainly on its way there, when we we left. On top of the normal cold nights we got a taste of wind blowing in straight from the vasts of siberia. It´s the wind that really gets to you. On our last morning there was even snow on the ground. Time for us to head a bit southward. I want to go back though, but that I'd like to do alone or at most with only one friend and hichhike around, maybe buy a horse and just wander around without any hurry anywhere. Ulan Bator started to get to us: its poorly upkept probably mostly due to the nomadic nature of the people: there´s just no tax income to spend anywhere.. There are some things that are nicely planned, but lets say it this way -they were nice some tens of years ago. People drink alot of vodka.

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