

I really ended up liking Singapore.
First night when I arrived there I ended up sleeping in a banyon tree(what is it with banyontrees and me?).
Mainly because it was allready quite late an
secondarily, because Diana,(one of the people I met in
the Cameron Highlands studying in the National
Univercity of Singapore) who had invited me over, had
accidentally given me the wrong number.. Not that I felt
upset about it. But I was rather puzzled. It's suprising
how many people have trouble remembering their
phonenumbers correctly these days..
Well anyways I had a good sleep and then wandered into
the city next morning to look for a web connection
-which by the way wasn't so easy to find. Many wireless
networks around, but they all cost money and you had to
have a phone to register..
This building reminds me of the main railwaystaion in Helsinki with the statues holding lightbulbs and all:
(I wonder when it was built?)
So after a longish walk
across the town I decided to find myself at the NUS
campus and took a train to the "educational area" in the
west. It looks like the singaporeans really do spend
money on education. Walkig along lush green boulevards
seeing students perform their activities I couldn't help
but to think: "impressive".
The Singapore Polytechnic:After I reached the nus campus and found the library I
managed to slip into the computer center and talk a girl
into signing me onto the computer with her account -hey! free
I sent Diana a mail and luckily she replied in just a
few minutes and within half an hour we met up. She'd
been equally curious of what had happened to me
yesterday as I was for what had happened to her
phonenuber. Turned out she had mixed up two numbers.
Well.. It happens. No harm done.
She was wonderfully hopitable as she gave me her room to
sleep in and slept at her friend's place herself. Felt
quite luxurious to me.
We also made a visit to a junglish spot remaining on the outskirts of the city.. Did you know that in the old days 200 people a year were killed by tigers? Suprisingly there are no tigers left..A suprising fact about Singapore: although it's the worlds second least corrupted state in the world right after Finland there is still some political oppression. I heard that somehow, because some buildings are owned by parties and people voting for other parties livin in parts of the buildings they'd actually arrange, that the lifts wouldn't stop on floors "with the wrong political opinion"..
Get a load of that!

I greatly enjoyed my three days in Singapore walking around,
taking pictures, eating well, drinking coffee, telling
stories, discussing science and philosophy and our
relationships towards it all.

As I'm a bit of a wonderer by
nature I felt I hadn't been so intellectually satisfied
during this whole trip. She also told me stories about
her country, that really animated Columbia in my mind. I
never thought the place to be like that. I only thought
of it as the cocaine hub of the world and.. umm.. that
was basically it. But after hearing about the culture,
the people and it's natural beauty now I really want to
go to Colombia some day..Strangely enough when it was time to go I felt that i'd
really like to stay around considerably longer -probably
because of the company(there's also loads to see in the
city itself). But since I'd allready booked myself on a
plane to Bali it was time to go after only three full
days of Singapore.

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